CakePHP Captcha support for 3.x

Finally, I got a chance to update my cakephp captcha support for CakePHP 3.x. It’s been quite long since CakePHP 3.x was out so I thought it was good to make it work finally. I had been receiving quite a lot of queries recently regarding the update.


Actually it also gave me an opportunity to look at the CakePHP 3.x in depth  and I was surprised to see massive changes in the framework as a whole, and I missed it for so long, phew! It looks like a lot of work been done by the CakePHP team for the good and I personally feel that this was actually mandatory and revolutionary update, in the view of new frameworks like Laravel becoming popular.

I am still getting myself familiar to new CakePHP 3.x structure and terminologies and it looks like that it is quite different that even the last one in 2.x. I hope I get another project to use CakePHP 3.x soon and explore it more. Hoping for good :)

So here is CakePHP Captcha 3.x support at Github.
CakePHP Captcha 2.x support at Github is still there!

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